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About Us Since 2002, Wealthy System Ltd has been building a reputation as a provider of rugged commercial and industrial embedded computing solutions for a long list of high-profile projects, including many for industry and medical market, datacom and civilian space programs. We provide not only all series DSP/CPU embedded borad and VMEbus/EVM (also include development tools), but also matured solutions for Image-Identification,Power. We try our best to provide advanced technology project and service to help our customers get success. Our boards apply in many industry area as radar, video processing,also SDR solution, GPS and DBF, We also had completed some major projects with our valued customers together, like: England 3L Diamond DSP real-time OS, French VITEC Multimedia video signal processing system, Canada Gao Research Embedded audio Communication SW, Singapore ST Engineers data acquisition system application in civilian satellite. Wealthy is also leading the technology wave by constantly staying in touch and investing our R&D into new technology advances, industry and market developments and the creation of new industry standards and specifications which can be a valuable consultative resource for our customers. Copyright 2006,Wealthy System Ltd. All rights reserved.
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