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Cleveland Weight Management Partners - Obesity treatment and Optifast diet plans - Physician Home Directors MetabolicSynd Video Body Mass Indicator Programs Staff FAQ Products Super Achievers Location/Hours Serious About Weight Control ? So Are We ! Program: Personalized weight loss plans with physician supervision, OPTIFAST® treatment available. OPTIFAST® - The serious solution for weight lossTM. OPTIFAST® is a registered trademark of Societe des Nestle, S.A., used with permission. Book: Dr. Berkeley's new book is out! "Refuse to Regain: Twelve Tough Rules to Maintain the New Body You've Earned" Maintenance Website: For all of those who are working on maintaining lost weight, please visit Dr. Berkeley's maintenance site at www.refusetoregain.typepad.com Our Mission To provide honest, thoughtful, personalized care aimed at achieving individual solutions for long term weight control. Company Profile Weight Management Partners is the professional collaboration of Barbara Berkeley, MD and Darlene Paluf RDLD, both specialists in obesity management with a combined 30 years of experience. Our program combines the practice of a skilled physician with the expertise of dieticians who deal solely in weight management. We offer, and believe strongly in, long term maintenance care. We also offer counseling about long term nutrition strategies, exercise guidelines and access to personal trainers. Contact Information Call, write or email us for more information. Telephone 440-338-6009 Fax 440-338-6005 Postal address 5192 Chillicothe Rd, Suite 104, South Russell Oh 44022 3609 ParkEast Boulevard, Suite 210 North, Beachwood Oh 44022 Lake West Medical Bldg, 36100 Euclid Ave, Suite 490, Willoughby Oh 44092 Electronic mail General Information: info@weightmp.com [Home] [Directors] [MetabolicSynd Video] [Body Mass Indicator] [Programs] [Staff] [FAQ] [Products] [Super Achievers] [Location/Hours]
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