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Biola Home PageCampus TourMath Dept.photosMy Math PapersWoopy Home PageHomepage of Peter Y. WooAssociate Professor, Biola UniversityUpdated 9/2016My short sermons on Minor Prophets.You need a short table of Old Testament history:"http://woobiola.net/articles/othistry.htm"Then click this:http://woobiola.net/pwtalks/putong/minproph and pick the lesson.Updated 11/2015My mother went to be with Jesus 洱洱?ぱ產??Here are some articlesand picturesи?糶ㄇゅ彻Memories of my father Woo YanTak,collected papers 2005.и??2005?瞒???├ゅ彻Updated 5/2016:Glympses from 103rd Psalm,from Gloria.Funny memories,On our 50th Anniversary.On Mathematics As you can see, I love geometry, and I learned Java. The above diagram encapsulatesmany theorems on the triangle, which I teach. Click here to see my riches in MathPrecious Books: Books that I loveand a few that I want you to stand against.Photos taken in China and HK recently.Good Bye Hong Kong for now. 2005/1.2002 Pictures of Stone Forest National Park in Yunnan.Mid autumn moonlite over a California beach.A tour of my work place.Some pictures of Biola math majors, 2002Our tripto Albuquerque, 2003Trip to Albuquerque2005.Our tripto Santa Fe, 2003Silvermine Bay in Hong Kong, 1988 Nov. Articles from China 5/2004 I've collected some heart-moving Chinese articles from websites in China. They put us to shame in many ways. Enjoy! Poverty is a good university. 砲絘琌程???厩 This boy won at International Mathematical Olympiad. Visit your home. Take a look.盽?產?? A most popular song 2 years ago, tucked at the heartstrings of young and old alike, Taking Dad on his back to school.璉帝???厩 True story of LiYong who struggled between going to school or serving his only paralysed Daddy at home. Story of Chen QingSheng one who gave his life for others.(in Chinese) 朝紋ネ?珿ㄆ? Profiles of People. Memories of Uncle Onward. Reminiscences of Aunt SaySum. A Hong Kong boy's life touched by love. Through a book "A Schoolboy's Journal" by Edmondo de Amicis. Above also in Chinese.?稲?毙▅???ぇ?秖? Visit to the poor students at Qing Yuan, about 5 hours by bus from Hong Kong. Musical Stuff New tune for the song "Softly and Tenderly", which I heard some years ago. MIDI Music right now: My Improvisations of Hymns in Midi language, which you can listen if your browser has a Midi player plugin. It is useful for people who like to learn to play hymns with meanings and feelings. I'll put on some scored versions someday. "5 a.m. in China."い瓣贬Νき翴牧? 4 songs I harmonized, written by a farm girl. Articles and Homilies Fun at Biola. There is much fun and joy at Biola where I teach. The Train Trip.8/2000. Interesting observations on an American train. An angel "Polycarp". 2000 A pretty poster done by me. Other People's Articles that I like. Tony Blair's speech at US Congress. Example of beautiful English. Also other speeches of his. Back Shadow (transl. from Chinese) by famous author Zhu ZiQing. Also [Chinese Version 璉紇] Noodles (Chinese article) ?窲傣难? a moving t
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