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XDXCA web comic following the lives of four people constantly asking themselves "Why bother?"A web comic following the lives of two people constantly asking themselves "Why even bother?"Follow along as four friends tell the true stories of their lives, one comic at a time. Filled with humor, sadness, and anger, these four are constantly confronted with random,and often ridiculous, arguments regarding politics, family, and friends.11/7/13The Willdo (The Great American Challenge)Posted byCJNo comments:Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to PinterestOlder PostsHomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)Please Note:This comic is no way at all in chronological orderThis comic is also, for the most part, based off of completely true incidents. If a comic itself never actually happened, I can guarantee it was a real conversation brought to life via the comicAbout Us:Main Characters:Mason: Creative personality, a LOT of pent up rage, and a self proclaimed lonerCJ: Asshole, always angry, and "refreshingly blunt"Paul: Smart, stubborn, and completely obliviousRobert: Also an asshole, unclear of his future, and grammar naziOther XDXC Things:The Umbrella Hat SagaOther XDXC MediaComic Sub-Series ListOur Favorites:XKCDBlank It ComicsLooking For GroupQuestionable ContentCyanide & HappinessSpoonyNostalgia CriticTodd In The ShadowsMonty PythonBlog Archive▼ 2013 (75) ▼ November (2) The Willdo (The Great American Challenge) XDXC Music Video! ► October (2) ► July (9) ► June (2) ► May (14) ► April (7) ► March (12) ► February (12) ► January (15) ► 2012 (12) ► December (4) ► January (8) ► 2011 (38) ► December (8) ► November (17) ► October (10) ► September (3) Our Videos Loading... Here's Our Greatest Influence And Inspiration For This Comic: XKCD XKCD.com. Awesome Inc. template. Powered by Blogger.
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