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SubscribeHomeAbout UsContact UsPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseYour Diet ApproachYou have to be smart about it.Is There Really A Quick Weight Loss Fix?Although we all know it, a new research shows that weight loss cannot happen overnight. An experiment on rats proved that a quick healthy change of diet has no great impact on how much they weigh.The ResearchFemale rats were divided in two groups. The first group of rats was given a healthy diet while the other group of female rats was fed a diet of sugar and processes carbs. The latter group gained weight and ended up close to being obese.Change Of DietsAfter six months, the diets of the rats were interchanged. The obese rats were shifted to a healthier diet. While on the other hand, the healthy rats were given the junk food diet.No Significant Change In WeightInterestingly, there were no immediate changes in their weight. The obese rats were still obese and the healthy rats didn’t gain any significant amount of weight. In spite of a healthier diet, the obese rats were still lazy. While on the other hand, the healthy rats were used to performing tasks that helped them burn the calories from their unhealthy eating.Weight Loss Cannot Happen OvernightWhile the research was done on rats, the findings can somehow hold true for the human body as well. After all, there are similarities in the physiological systems of both the rats and the human body. So if there’s one thing for sure, there is no shortcut to weight loss.Exercise Is The KeyThe group of rats (that started with a healthy diet) was able to perform certain tasks that kept them in good shape. This showed a certain level of discipline in their lifestyle. They did not become lazy, in spite of a change in diet. Nonetheless, the lazy and obese rats remained the same, in spite of their healthier diet.This just proves that physical exertion definitely plays a significant role in weight loss and management. Nothing can replace a good workout routine.Exercise And A Healthy DietWe all want to lose weight at the shortest time possible. Such is the reason why we’re all looking out for the most effective diet program. But it’s not enough that we get on a healthy diet. The best and safest combination to weight loss is exercise and a healthy diet.But combining both cannot guarantee an immediate weight loss. While it’s the best combination to weight loss, it does take time for the body to shed the pounds off.Start Now Before It’s Too LateMost of us embark on a healthy diet once the scale shows a scary number. We wait for that moment to make the decision to lose weight. But it’s been proven that eating healthy does not have to come with the desperate need to lose weight. The fact is that we all should eat healthy, whether we want to lose weight or not. With so many meal replacement programs nowadays, it’s better to start eating healthy now before it’s too late.The experiment shows that there is no such thing as a quick weight loss fix. Although some diet programs ma
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