域名年龄: 23年12个月3天HTTP/1.1 301 永久重定向 访问时间:2019年07月02日 05:18:02 目标网址:https://www.avastin.com/ 文件大小:232 Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100 连接:Keep-Alive 类型:text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 接受单位:字节 Content-Encoding: gzip 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 访问时间:2019年07月02日 05:18:02 动作:Accept-Encoding 文件大小:22978 连接:keep-alive 网站编码:UTF-8
For US Healthcare ProfessionalsFor Patients and CaregiversDosingContact a RepPrescribing InformationSafetySearchMenuCloseFor US Healthcare ProfessionalsFor Patients and CaregiversSelect IndicationColorectal Cancer (mCRC)Lung Cancer (nsNSCLC)Kidney Cancer (mRCC)Cervical Cancer (CC)Ovarian Cancer (OC)Recurrent Glioblastoma (GBM)Colorectal Cancer (mCRC)EfficacySafetyProposed MOADosingClinical and Patient ResourcesFinancialLung Cancer (nsNSCLC)EfficacySafetyProposed MOADosingClinical and Patient ResourcesFinancialKidney Cancer (mRCC)EfficacySafetyProposed MOADosingClinical and Patient ResourcesFinancialCervical Cancer (CC)EfficacySafetyProposed MOADosingClinical and Patient ResourcesFinancialOvarian Cancer (OC)EfficacySafetyProposed MOADosingClinical and Patient ResourcesFinancialRecurrent Glioblastoma (GBM)EfficacySafetyProposed MOADosingClinical and Patient ResourcesFinancialDosingContact a RepSafetyPrescribing InformationConfidence Built on EvidenceIn a changing treatment landscape, choose AvastinPlease select an indicationColorectal cancer (MCRC)EfficacySafetyDosingLung cancer (NSCLC)EfficacySafetyDosingKidney cancer (mRCC)EfficacySafetyDosingCervical cancer (CC)EfficacySafetyDosingOvarian cancer (OC)EfficacySafetyDosingGlioblastoma (GBM)EfficacySafetyDosing>2.2 million patientsLearn more about the extensive real-world experience with Avastin11 pivotal trialsSee Avastin approvals across endpoints and indicationsAccess and choiceFind out more about Genentech’s commitment to support patient accessand physician choiceAcross indications, Avastin has been usedto treat more than 2.2 million patients worldwide [3]PBRER=Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Report.Patients treated is based on the PBRER report ofpatient exposure, which was calculated based on the global totalmilligram volume sales divided by the average dose per patient peryear, based on US approved indications. Average dose was based onthe monthly dose multiplied by treatment duration (in months).Assumption of patient exposures from the PBRER report may notnecessarily correspond to a unique patient. [3]Drug utilization assumptions were considered inorder to calculate the number of patients exposed to Avastin byindication worldwide, including US and Japan. Excluding Japan, theaverage body weight used worldwide was between 65-75 kg. Averagedose was based on the approved dose of each indication. Note: somedose interruptions may have been accounted for per cliniciandiscretion. In Japan, per sales assumption data, total dose was fromthe specific year of approval for each given indication.Ovarian cancer data are based on recurrent OConly; Avastin is also indicated in stage III or IV OC after primarysurgery, for which exposure data are not yet available. [3]Avastin is extensively studied: Avastin FDAapprovals based on 11 pivotal trials across 6 tumor types[1]FDA approvals based on multiple endpoints[1,8]1, 8For additional trial information, please select efficacy from theindication dropdown men
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