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Blood BagsGrowth of Yersinia species in artificially contaminated blood bags.Infectious Diseases Department, University of Turin, Italy. Transfusion blood bags were inoculated with less than 0.1 colony-forming units (CFU) of Yersinia enterocolitica (serotypes O:3, O:5, and O:9) and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis I per mL and stored at 4 degrees C for 41 days. During storage, samples were collected periodically and colony counts of serial dilutions were performed by plating on tryptic soy agar. After a lag-phase, the growth of Yersinia species from less than 0.1 CFU per mL to 10(9) CFU per mL was observed in 3 of 10 bags. The data showed that prolonged storage of contaminated blood bags allows Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis to multiply to high levels.Prevention of leakage of Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate from blood bags by glow discharge treatment and its effect on aggregability of stored platelets.Platelets storage in glow discharge treated PVC bags was studied. The amount of leaked di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) was 150-200 micrograms/ml/day in the nontreated PVC bags, but only 20-40 micrograms/ml in the treated bags after 48 h. The adhesion of silicone to PVC was much improved, and consequently, uniform coating with silicone became feasible. The decrease of the ability of platelets to aggregate was accelerated by DEHP. When stored platelets were resuspended in fresh plasma, the ability to aggregate was gradually restored. However, the degree of restoration of the ability of platelets which had been incubated with DEHP was low. When platelets were stored in the glow discharge treated and then silicone-coated PVC bags, their adhesion on the surface and the decrease of their function were prevented.Platelet storage for 7 days in second-generation blood bags Plastic storage bags designed to optimize O2 and CO2 transfer to preserve platelets for 7 days prior to transfusion were studied in vivo and in vitro. Platelets stored 7 days in second-generation CLX bags were compared to platelets stored 3 days in standard (CL-3861) 3-day storage bags and platelets transfused within 24 hours of collection. The CLX bags maintained concentrate pH at a mean of 6.85 +/− 0.03 (SEM) after 7 days, while in standard bags after 3 days of storage, the mean pH was 6.46 +/− 0.03. A smaller proportion of platelets stored 7 days in CLX bags were discarded because of a pH less than 6.0 compared to those stored 3 days in CL-3861 bags (10 vs 21%). Poststorage pH showed strong correlation with concentrate platelet count and weak correlation with concentrate white cell count in both bag types. There was no significant difference in the mean corrected platelet count increments between platelets stored 7 days in second generation CLX bags and those stored 3 days in CL-3861 bags (10,000 and 12,200 at 1 hour, and 7000 and 7500 at 24 hours, respectively) following transfusion to 16 thrombocytopenic recipients. However, transfusion of fresh platelets achiev
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