域名年龄: 17年8天HTTP/1.1 200 OK 服务器:nginx/1.8.1 访问时间:2016年02月28日 16:14:05 类型:text/html; charset=UTF-8 文件大小:7484 连接:keep-alive 动作:Accept-Encoding,Cookie 修改日期:2016年02月28日 15:04:02 接受单位:字节 Content-Encoding: gzip 网站编码:UTF-8
Study PHP Skills, Share PHP CodeHomeAboutsitemapPHP php friendweb hostingEyeglassesbuy eyeglassesMedical Companiesprescription glassesprescription glassesPHPPHP BBSPHP FriendPHP KnowPHP StudyphpldCategoriesApacheDrupalJavascriptMagentoMySQLOtherPhp CodePhp FunctionsPhp LearningPHP Link DirectoryPhp SkillsPhp StudyVbulletinWeb HostingWordPressX-CartZen CartRecent PostsHow to modify Contact Us meta tags of X-cart 5?How to Modify Price Category of Zen-Cart?X-cart v4: remove home.phpExtra Block at Left Bar of X-cart V4.7.4How to Use PHP to Delete All Folders and Files?How to modify Contact Us meta tags of X-cart 5?February 17, 2016 — admin For seo purpose, we need to modify default contact up page meta tags, follow me, and you will know how I have modified this for www.cheapglasses.netFirst, create a file called ContactUs.php, and place it under classes/XLite/Module/XC/CustomSkin/Controller/Customer, add the following content within this file:<?phpnamespace XLite\Module\XC\CustomSkin\Controller\Customer;/*** Decorated controller class.** @LC_Dependencies (“CDev\ContactUs”)*/class ContactUs extends \XLite\Module\CDev\ContactUs\Controller\Customer\ContactUs implements \XLite\Base\IDecorator{/*** Get meta title** @return string*/public function getPageTitle(){return ‘Contact’;}/*** Get meta description** @return string*/public function getMetaDescription(){return ‘Discount prices on prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses online.’;} /*** Get meta keywords** @return string*/public function getKeywords(){return ‘eyeglasses,sunglasses,eyeglass lenses,eyeglass,glasses,eye glasses,sun glasses,prescription eyeglasses, prescription eye glasses,cheap eyeglasses,cheap eye glasses,eye doctor,eye doctors,eyeglass prescription,eye glass prescription,prescription glasses,cheap glasses,discount eye glasses,discount eyeglasses,discount eyewear,discount glasses,eyeglass frame,eye glass frame,eyeglasses online,eye glasses online,rimless eyeglasses,rimless eye glasses,progressive lens,progressive lenses,prescription sunglasses,prescription sun glasses, prescription sunglass,prescription sun glass,polarized lens,polarized sunglasses,polarized sun glasses,metal eyeglasses,metal eye glasses,plastic eyeglasses,plastic eye glasses,titanium eyeglasses,titanium eye glasses,bendable eyeglasses,bendable eye glasses,kids eyeglasses,kids eye glasses,child eyeglasses,child eye glasses’;}}Second, create a file called Main.php, and place it under classes/XLite/Module/XC/CustomSkin, add the following code with this new file:<?php// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et:/*** X-Cart** NOTICE OF LICENSE** This source file is subject to the software license agreement* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:** If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to* obtain it through the wor
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2025-03-06 19:23, Process in 0.0049 second.