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HOME SPONSOR / VOLUNTEER LINKS PHOTOS STATS REGISTRATION CONTACT Bob OConnor, 67, of River Forest, Ill. recieved the National Senior Games Association's Personal Best award. OConnor epitomizes a new definition of personal best as the ongoing journey on and off the field to strive for fitness, health and wellness while inspiring others to be active and live longer, better quality lives. View article > View Web Announcement > Welcome to the Illinois Senior Olympics The Springfield Park District and The Illinois Senior Olympic Advisory Board invite all Men and Women 50 years of age and older to come and participate in this wonderful senior athletic event. There are over 30 event categories and team sports offered. The Benefits We are proud to be able to help promote healthy lifestyles for adults, particularly seniors 50 years of age and older. It's no secret that baby boomers are entering their golden years and are becoming more conscious about their health and the way they age. Staying fit and active is the best answer to aging and our games provide an excellent way for seniors to maintain or improve their physical and mental condition, as well as their coordination, while enjoying some friendly competition. It's also a great opportunity to meet new friends, and engage the whole family in the fitness mode. But, if exercising isn't for you, don't forget you can still be a part of the games by becoming a volunteer. More About the Games The Illinois Senior Olympics, based in Springfield began in 1977, making it the oldest State Games in the United States. Springfield’s first Senior Olympics hosted 122 athletes and as years have passed the participation has increased immensely, the Illinois Senior Olympics now host up to 1,200 male and female athletes, ages 50 years and older. The Oldest athlete to ever compete was 99. Springfield is the only qualifying site for the state of Illinois. Be part of the Senior Olympics There are Many Levels of Sponsorship and Volunteering Opportunities more info > View photos of ISO 2014 on the photo page > National Senior Olympics documentary - View Trailer Event: More Information is available at
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