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The American Journal of Men's Health is published in association with Men's Health Network Men's Health Network Men's Health Network (MHN) is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to reach men, boys, and their families where they live, work, play, and pray with health prevention messages and tools, screening programs, educational materials, advocacy opportunities, and patient navigation. Follow us on Twitter Follow WAPC on Twitter Become a Fan Subscribe to our free Healthy E-Male Newsletter MHN's Goals: Save men's lives by reducing premature mortality of men and boys Foster health care education and services that encourage men of all ages to implement positive lifestyles for themselves and their families Increase the physical and mental health of men so that they can live fuller and happier lives Significantly reduce the cycles of violence and addiction that afflict so many men Energize government involvement in men's health activities so that existing government health networks can be utilized to increase the health and well-being of men and boys Encourage women to expand on their traditional role as the family's health care leader and activist for enhancement of health care services Featured Content: Taking On Male Reproductive Health American Fertility Association & MHN have joined forces to disseminate monthly articles about Male Reproductive Health. -Introducing the Male Reproductive Health Alliance Upcoming Events: Buffalo Men's Health & Wellness Event September 29, 2012 - 10 AM - 2 PM Join Men’s Health Network, Kaleida Health, and Endo Health Solutions for a free community health screening and wellness event. Learn more about the event here. Men's Health Network is a member of the Combined Federal Campaign: # 1 0 8 2 5 » Learn more about MHN » Learn about MHN chapters and affiliates » Learn about internship opportunities Men's Health Awareness: A survey reveals gaps in communication between men who suffer from ED and their physicians. See the results of "The ED Conversation" survey. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Download a Family Health Tree to help identify breast cancer in your family, or order copies. Learn about men and breast cancer at the Male Breast Cancer Resource Center website. Women Against Prostate Cancer is dedicated to providing support and resources to the women who have been affected by the prostate cancer of a loved one. Visit them online today to see the resources they have developed and their ever expanding list of local chapters. Wear Blue at work and help support MHN's outreach to the underserved. Or, support MHN's outreach efforts by joining or donating. PSA: MHN and the Harvard School of Public Health have developed this public service announcement about men's health and families. Please feel free to use this PSA, and let us know how and when it was used. MHN is undertaking a series of free state symposia on men's health around the country. To r
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2025-03-07 19:46, Process in 0.0060 second.