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eugene shih Skip to content about meprojectsblogfood Eugene is a software engineer who dreams of a world without -isms. After graduating from the University of Washington, he left Seattle for Boston. After years of toiling away in graduate school, in February 2010, he (finally) completed his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. For his doctoral thesis, he examined methods to reduce the computational demands of medical monitoring classifiers in order to reduce energy consumption. Currently, Eugene is interested in mobile and ubiquitous computing, cloud computing, and optimization. When he’s not working, he’s a novice photographer, recreational cyclist, and rusty piano player. Though he claims no ties to any city or place, Eugene has not lost touch with his Canadian roots—he still enjoys watching hockey and complaining about cold weather. eugene shih (RSS) + Sator-ii theme by Felipe Lavín
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2025-01-11 03:15, Process in 0.0064 second.