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PROGRAM OVERVIEWHOW TO APPLYSUPPORT CSM July 5 - 27, 2015 CSM is happy to announce that Pulitzer Prize winning composer, Aaron Jay Kernis, will be a guest artist for the 2015 Season. Now accepting applications for summer 2015. Apply Now Performance, Chamber Music, and Composition Welcome to CALIFORNIA SUMMER MUSIC, a thriving environment for young musicians and composers to learn, grow, and achieve their goals through the unique experience of music making. Every summer, we provide each emerging artist highly individualized, quality musical training and mentoring with CSM faculty and internationally renowned guest artists. More » ORDER RECORDINGS FACULTY & GUEST ARTISTS BLOG THE CAMPUS CONCERTS & EVENTS LIVING MUSIC PROGRAM PRESS KIT VIDEOS CONTACT CSM YAMAHA is the official piano of California Summer Music. All pianos are graciously provided by Music Exchange . California Summer Music • 236 West Portal Avenue, No. 104 • San Francisco, CA 94127 • (415) 753-8920/8934 (fax) • csm@csmusic.org
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