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Lower East Side & East Village Parents forum neighborhood important extracurricular Parent of a baby? A toddler? A five year old? A teenager? One of each? More? Expecting? Welcome! Need a place to talk about sleep? Feeding? Pediatricians? Find other parents? Register for and visit our FORUM, where we have real parents talking about real issues. NEW-- in our forum, our EMPLOYMENT board-- to share resumés, offers, information. Mission statement: Our community is growing and we are committed to growing with it. Our playgroup has become multiple playgroups, meetings in playrooms, meetings at parks, moms' nights out, and yoga classes. Our initial relationships have blossomed into friendships. We have pulled together as a community to support each other, and we will continue to do so. Please continue to give fellow parents our information, so they can become part of our Lower East Side world. FORUM Registration: To register for our forum please click here, and use your real first or last name as your user name-- the idea is that we know who we are talking with. The forum is for parents who live on the Lower East Side and in the East Village. All members need to go through a simple approval process. Please check the email you register with for the follow up instructions! Thank you! about contact
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2025-02-17 02:41, Process in 0.0065 second.